Sunday, February 8, 2009

2 Days To Go!

Hi Guys,
I just found this image of the Lweza Training and Conference Centre. I'll be staying here the first week of training. It looks like a really quaint place. I think it will be a nice way to acclimate myself into the program. I'm told that I have internet access there, so I'll let you all know how I'm getting settled in.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pre-Service Jitters!!

So the past couple weeks have been somewhat stressful. It all stems from the fact that the details I could find about pre-service training were vague at best. What it did say was my training would be community based, and that I would be taught in a community very similar to my actual posting. Since that was the only information I had, I started envisioning a situation where I would be whist away to a small village hundreds of mile from another volunteer, and I would be taught by the local villagers who didn't speak English.

I know some of you are saying "whats wrong with that?" Well, for me, it would be nice to have some level of transition during my training.

My concerns where finally addressed when I was able to talk with the Uganda Country Desk Officer. She explained to me that the training is community based, but I will be taught throughout my training with other volunteers. Another good thing was that my training group is made up of volunteers with similar assignments. That way, we can focus specifically on developmental issues.

Believe me, if they had told me that I would be living in a cave, with only my cunning to survive, I would still be going! It’s just nice to know its not going to be like that!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Everything Arrived at Once!

I just went from not knowing anything to knowing a lot. I got an email this morning detailing my departure. I'm flying to Philadelphia on the 11th of February to start 2 days of orientation (Cultural Classes, Immunizations, New Passport, Ticket To Uganda, Etc.). On the morning of the 13th, I will be flying to Uganda via Brussels, and that is that!